1103: Tonie Theodora Nathan – Genuine Threat to Both Parties

What is the major news media afraid of? Could it be that most Americans share the Libertarian ideals of Republican fiscal conservatism and Democratic social liberalism? Perhaps such Libertarian views represent a genuine threat to both major parties. —Tonie Theodora NathanDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 207KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 97KB
What is the major news media afraid of? Could it be that most Americans share the Libertarian ideals of Republican fiscal conservatism and Democratic social liberalism? Perhaps such Libertarian views represent a genuine threat to both major parties. —Tonie Theodora NathanDownload Print Quality (7178×7680) 307KB  |  Normal Quality (3589×3840) 141KB
What is the major news media afraid of? Could it be that most Americans share the Libertarian ideals of Republican fiscal conservatism and Democratic social liberalism? Perhaps such Libertarian views represent a genuine threat to both major parties. —Tonie Theodora Nathan
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