1041: Gloria Alvarez – Socialism Has Failed on Every Continent

We have seen Socialism fail on every continent of the planet. But when there is ignorance and when there are people who resent the way of competition and free-market ideas then Socialism can arise. —Gloria AlvarezDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.27MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 240KB
We have seen Socialism fail on every continent of the planet. But when there is ignorance and when there are people who resent the way of competition and free-market ideas then Socialism can arise. —Gloria AlvarezDownload Print Quality (3840×2900) 4.33MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1450) 293KB
We have seen Socialism fail on every continent of the planet. But when there is ignorance and when there are people who resent the way of competition and free-market ideas then Socialism can arise. —Gloria Alvarez
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