1102: Mary J. Ruwart – Business will Control Govt

As long as government has the power to regulate business, business will control government, by funding the candidate that legislates in their favor.  A free-market thwarts lobbying by taking the power that corporations seek, away from government! The only sure way to prevent the rich from buying unfair government influence is to stop allowing government to use physical force against peaceful people. —Mary J. RuwartDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 229KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 208KB
As long as government has the power to regulate business, business will control government, by funding the candidate that legislates in their favor.  A free-market thwarts lobbying by taking the power that corporations seek, away from government! The only sure way to prevent the rich from buying unfair government influence is to stop allowing government to use physical force against peaceful people. —Mary J. RuwartDownload Print Quality (6892×7680) 331KB  |  Normal Quality (3446×3840) 296KB
As long as government has the power to regulate business, business will control government, by funding the candidate that legislates in their favor. A free-market thwarts lobbying by taking the power that corporations seek, away from government! The only sure way to prevent the rich from buying unfair government influence is to stop allowing government to use physical force against peaceful people. —Mary J. Ruwart
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