1245: Murray Rothbard – The State is Inherently Anti-Capitalist

Since the State necessarily lives by the compulsory confiscation of private capital, and since its expansion necessarily involves ever-greater incursions on private individuals and private enterprise, we must assert that the State is profoundly and inherently anti-capitalist. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 332KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 278KB
Since the State necessarily lives by the compulsory confiscation of private capital, and since its expansion necessarily involves ever-greater incursions on private individuals and private enterprise, we must assert that the State is profoundly and inherently anti-capitalist. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3460×3840) 426KB  |  Normal Quality (1730×1920) 213KB

Since the State necessarily lives by the compulsory confiscation of private capital, and since its expansion necessarily involves ever-greater incursions on private individuals and private enterprise, we must assert that the State is profoundly and inherently anti-capitalist. —Murray Rothbard

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