My rights will not be subject to your emergency. —Jordan Peterson

My rights will not be subject to your emergency. —Jordan Peterson
For young people, broadcast TV is so dead that they don’t even notice the corpse. —Jordan Peterson
The most potent anti-authoritarian action is to tell the truth. —Jordan Peterson
We were supposed to be educating young people. We’re supposed to be teaching that freedom is not always there, that it’s fragile, and you better take care of it. —Jordan Peterson
How do you fight to be free if you don’t know you’re a slave. —Yeonmi Park – In an interview with Jordan Peterson she said when she fled North Korea she didn’t even know what freedom was, she only wanted to leave because there was no food to eat.
You pay a price for everything you do and everything you don’t do.
so you might as well stand up for yourself. —Jordan Peterson