If you haven’t taken the time to learn econ and ensure your ideas don’t hurt people, you can’t claim to care about them. —Hannah Cox

If you haven’t taken the time to learn econ and ensure your ideas don’t hurt people, you can’t claim to care about them. —Hannah Cox
We are going to make the Libertarian Party something libertarians can be proud of. —Dave Smith
The truth will not be an easy path. Perhaps, but it is the easiest among those that lie before us. Not an easy choice for the body, but the only one for the soul. No, not an easy path, but then we already have among us people, who have for years lived by the truth. And so: We need not be the first to set out on this path, Ours is but to join! The more of us set out together, the thicker our ranks, the easier and shorter will this path be for us all! If we become thousands—they will not cope, they will be unable to touch us. If we will grow to tens of thousands—we will not recognize our country! —Aleksandr Solzhenitsyn
All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff Deist
All of us can play a role in a bottom-up revolution by doing everything in our power to withdraw our consent from the state. —Jeff Deist
Imagine what a committed, coordinated libertarian base could achieve in America! Ten percent of the US population, or roughly thirty-two million people, would be an unstoppable force of non-violent withdrawal from the federal leviathan. —Jeff Deist
Those whose libertarianism is based on utilitarianism are oftentimes willing to sacrifice liberty in a doomed attempt to achieve an important goal. In contrast, those with a moral commitment to liberty are unlikely to betray liberty by endorsing government force. —Ron Paul
Let us not be mere spectators. With our pens, with our voices, with our contributions to our great cause let us give history a push in the direction of freedom. —Lew Rockwell
You have to start with the truth. The truth is the only way that we can get anywhere. Because any decision-making that is based upon lies or ignorance can’t lead to a good conclusion. —Julian Assange, Founder of WikiLeaks