End all of these awful organizations that are a disgrace to a professed free society. Let's give being a free country a shot. That's what we need right now. —Dave Smith
End all of the wars. End all of the remnants of the COVID regime. End the COVID restrictions. End all of the corporate bailouts. End all federal militarization of the police. End the war on drugs. Repeal the Patriot Act. Abolish the FBI and the ATF. End all gun control. End all of these awful organizations that are a disgrace to a professed free society. Let’s give being a free country a shot. That’s what we need right now. —Dave Smith
As governments fail around the world, as more millions become aware that government never has and never can humanely and effectively manage men's affairs, government's own inadequacy will emerge, at last, as the basis for a truly radical and revolutionary movement. —Karl Hess
The radical-revolutionary position is a lonely one. It is feared and hated, by both Right and Left — although both Right and Left must borrow from it to survive. The radical-revolutionary position is libertarianism, and its socioeconomic form is laissez-faire capitalism. —Karl Hess
As governments fail around the world, as more millions become aware that government never has and never can humanely and effectively manage men's affairs, government's own inadequacy will emerge, at last, as the basis for a truly radical and revolutionary movement. —Karl Hess
As governments fail around the world, as more millions become aware that government never has and never can humanely and effectively manage men’s affairs, government’s own inadequacy will emerge, at last, as the basis for a truly radical and revolutionary movement. —Karl Hess
Both Left and Right are reactionary and authoritarian. That is to say, both are political. They seek only to revise current methods of acquiring and wielding political power. Radical and revolutionary movements seek not to revise but to revoke. The target of revocation should be obvious. The target is politics itself. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)
Both Left and Right are reactionary and authoritarian. That is to say, both are political. They seek only to revise current methods of acquiring and wielding political power. Radical and revolutionary movements seek not to revise but to revoke. The target of revocation should be obvious. The target is politics itself. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)
We don’t beg for scraps from the imperial table. We don’t seek a seat at that table. We want to knock the table over. —Lew Rockwell (Paul Festival, 25 Aug 2012)
We don’t beg for scraps from the imperial table. We don’t seek a seat at that table. We want to knock the table over. —Lew Rockwell (Paul Festival, 25 Aug 2012)