The libertarian insists that whether or not such practices are supported by the majority of the population… War is Mass Murder, Conscription is Slavery, and Taxation is Robbery —Murray Rothbard

The libertarian insists that whether or not such practices are supported by the majority of the population… War is Mass Murder, Conscription is Slavery, and Taxation is Robbery —Murray Rothbard
At the core of Libertarian philosophy, self-ownership is a beautiful yet complex and scary idea that has fallen to the wayside in today’s culture of entitlements, victimhood, and blame. We must hold ourselves accountable. —Kalish Morrow
We’re all united by the suffering that is part of the human condition. We’re divided by how we choose to deal with it. —Angela McArdle
Until we win hearts and minds, it scarcely matters whom we elect, what bill gets passed, or how we arrange our personal and professional lives. The same statist mentality will surface time and time again. —Jeff Deist, President, Mises Institute
I think that from a tactical, long-term perspective that the more principled, the more radical libertarianism is, the better chance it has of ultimate success. —Jeff Deist, President, Mises Institute
The whole idea, the whole premise of taxation needs to be examined, it’s based on theft. —Glenn Jacobs, Knox County Mayor
If even a sizeable minority simply refuses to comply, the order becomes unenforceable, and eventually gets repealed. We saw this with mask mandates in many places across the US, where they were ignored by a few, then by many, then by almost everyone, then were repealed. —Spike Cohen (Libertarian Party Vice-Presidential Candidate 2020)
I remember the Ron Paul era and I didn’t agree with a lot of his moral positions. But I did agree with him saying he wants to leave me alone.
I’ll take the guy who’s gonna leave me alone. Because we can disagree on everything, but then he agrees to leave me alone. I think that’s great. —Tim Pool
Do not violate your principles in order to fit in with people who have no principles.
I think that’s why a group like this is so important because what you’re doing is you’re changing perceptions. Groups like this did not exist 20 and 30 years ago, so therefore maybe I will have my way someday. —Ron Paul (To Libertarians, 1983)