1329: John Mearsheimer – Twiddledum and Twiddledee

As far as I'm concerned the Republicans and the Democrats on Foreign Policy are like Twiddledum and Twiddledee. There's just no difference between them. —John Mearsheimer, University of ChicagoDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.00MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 222KB
As far as I'm concerned the Republicans and the Democrats on Foreign Policy are like Twiddledum and Twiddledee. There's just no difference between them. —John Mearsheimer, University of ChicagoDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.45MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 271KB

As far as I’m concerned the Republicans and the Democrats on Foreign Policy are like Twiddledum and Twiddledee. There’s just no difference between them. —John Mearsheimer, University of Chicago

1317: Melissa Joan Hart – Two-Party System

I want to break away from this two-party system and I think it’s important for people to know that there’s other candidates out there who really toe the line between Democrat and Republican. —Melissa Joan HartDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.88MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 216KB
I want to break away from this two-party system and I think it’s important for people to know that there’s other candidates out there who really toe the line between Democrat and Republican. —Melissa Joan HartDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 6.20MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 278KB

I want to break away from this two-party system and I think it’s important for people to know that there’s other candidates out there who really toe the line between Democrat and Republican. —Melissa Joan Hart

1310: Trey Parker – I’m a Registered Libertarian

I’m a registered Libertarian. We find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us. —Trey Parker, Co-Creator of South ParkDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.28MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 198KB
I’m a registered Libertarian. We find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us. —Trey Parker, Co-Creator of South ParkDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.38MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 256KB

I’m a registered Libertarian. We find just as many things to rip on the left as we do on the right. People on the far-left and the far-right are the same exact person to us. —Trey Parker, Co-Creator of South Park

1307: Karl Hess – Radical and Revolutionary Movements

Both Left and Right are reactionary and authoritarian. That is to say, both are political. They seek only to revise current methods of acquiring and wielding political power. Radical and revolutionary movements seek not to revise but to revoke. The target of revocation should be obvious. The target is politics itself. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)Download Print Quality (7680×4020) 192KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 107KB
Both Left and Right are reactionary and authoritarian. That is to say, both are political. They seek only to revise current methods of acquiring and wielding political power. Radical and revolutionary movements seek not to revise but to revoke. The target of revocation should be obvious. The target is politics itself. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)Download Print Quality (7680×7680) 252KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 133KB

Both Left and Right are reactionary and authoritarian. That is to say, both are political. They seek only to revise current methods of acquiring and wielding political power. Radical and revolutionary movements seek not to revise but to revoke. The target of revocation should be obvious. The target is politics itself. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)

1306: Karl Hess – The Hypocrisy of the Left and Right

Libertarianism is rejected by the modern Left, which preaches individualism but practices collectivism. Capitalism is rejected by the modern Right, which preaches enterprise but practices protectionism. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)Download Print Quality (7680×4020) 157KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 82KB
Libertarianism is rejected by the modern Left, which preaches individualism but practices collectivism. Capitalism is rejected by the modern Right, which preaches enterprise but practices protectionism. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)Download Print Quality (7680×7680) 220KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×3840) 109KB

Libertarianism is rejected by the modern Left, which preaches individualism but practices collectivism. Capitalism is rejected by the modern Right, which preaches enterprise but practices protectionism. —Karl Hess (The Death of Politics)

1286: Lysander Spooner – Man Refuses to be a Slave

The principle that the majority have a right to rule the minority, practically resolves all government into a mere contest between two bodies of men, as to which of them shall be masters, and which of them slaves; a contest, that-however bloody-can, in the nature of things, never be finally closed, so long as man refuses to be a slave. —Lysander SpoonerDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.27MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 207KB

The principle that the majority have a right to rule the minority, practically resolves all government into a mere contest between two bodies of men, as to which of them shall be masters, and which of them slaves; a contest, that-however bloody-can, in the nature of things, never be finally closed, so long as man refuses to be a slave. —Lysander Spooner

The principle that the majority have a right to rule the minority, practically resolves all government into a mere contest between two bodies of men, as to which of them shall be masters, and which of them slaves; a contest, that-however bloody-can, in the nature of things, never be finally closed, so long as man refuses to be a slave. —Lysander Spooner

1273: Walter Block – Libertarianism is Neither Left nor Right

Libertarianism is neither of the left nor of the right. It is unique. It is sui generis. It is apart from left and right. The left-right political spectrum simply has no room for libertarianism. Think of an equilateral triangle, with libertarianism at one corner, the left at a second corner and the right at the third corner. We are equally distant from both of those misbegotten political economic philosophies. No, better yet, think in terms of an isosceles triangle, with us at the top and the two of them at the bottom, indicating they have more in common with each other than with us. —Walter BlockDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 626KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 570KB
Libertarianism is neither of the left nor of the right. It is unique. It is sui generis. It is apart from left and right. The left-right political spectrum simply has no room for libertarianism. Think of an equilateral triangle, with libertarianism at one corner, the left at a second corner and the right at the third corner. We are equally distant from both of those misbegotten political economic philosophies. No, better yet, think in terms of an isosceles triangle, with us at the top and the two of them at the bottom, indicating they have more in common with each other than with us. —Walter BlockDownload Print Quality (6144×7680) 728KB  |  Normal Quality (3072×3840) 730KB

Libertarianism is neither of the left nor of the right. It is unique. It is sui generis. It is apart from left and right. The left-right political spectrum simply has no room for libertarianism. Think of an equilateral triangle, with libertarianism at one corner, the left at a second corner and the right at the third corner. We are equally distant from both of those misbegotten political economic philosophies. No, better yet, think in terms of an isosceles triangle, with us at the top and the two of them at the bottom, indicating they have more in common with each other than with us. —Walter Block

1262: Murray Rothbard – The Right-Wing Honeyed Words

I grew up a right-winger, and became more intensely a libertarian rightist as I grew older. How come I am an exile from the Right-wing, while the conservative movement is being run by a gaggle of ex-Communists and monarchists? What kind of a conservative movement is this? This kind: one that you have no business being in. I got out of the Right-wing not because I ceased believing in liberty, but because being a libertarian above all, I came to see that the Right-wing specialized in cloaking its authoritarian and neo-fascist policies in the honeyed words of libertarian rhetoric. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.06MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 203KB
I grew up a right-winger, and became more intensely a libertarian rightist as I grew older. How come I am an exile from the Right-wing, while the conservative movement is being run by a gaggle of ex-Communists and monarchists? What kind of a conservative movement is this? This kind: one that you have no business being in. I got out of the Right-wing not because I ceased believing in liberty, but because being a libertarian above all, I came to see that the Right-wing specialized in cloaking its authoritarian and neo-fascist policies in the honeyed words of libertarian rhetoric. —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.96MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 260KB

I grew up a right-winger… I got out of the Right-wing not because I ceased believing in liberty, but because being a libertarian above all, I came to see that the Right-wing specialized in cloaking its authoritarian and neo-fascist policies in the honeyed words of libertarian rhetoric. —Murray Rothbard

1223: Glenn Jacobs – Taxation is Theft

The whole idea, the whole premise of taxation needs to be examined, it's based on theft. —Glenn Jacobs, Knox County MayorDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.99MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 196KB
The whole idea, the whole premise of taxation needs to be examined, it's based on theft. —Glenn Jacobs, Knox County MayorDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.59MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 270KB

The whole idea, the whole premise of taxation needs to be examined, it’s based on theft. —Glenn Jacobs, Knox County Mayor

1213: Michael Malice – The Illusion of Choice

People will say with a straight face that having one choice for dear leader is tyranny – but having two is freedom. ―Michael MaliceDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.23MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 202KB
People will say with a straight face that having one choice for dear leader is tyranny – but having two is freedom. ―Michael MaliceDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 5.85MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 281KB

People will say with a straight face that having one choice for dear leader is tyranny – but having two is freedom. ―Michael Malice