The only reason we have some liberty in this country is because we have radical minorities willing to agitate for personal freedom. —Judge Andrew Napolitano
The only reason we have some liberty in this country is because we have radical minorities willing to agitate for personal freedom. —Judge Andrew Napolitano
People pull through hard times. What I can’t understand is, how can anybody figure that the government can support us, when we support the government. —Rose Wilder Lane (The Discovery of Freedom: Man's Struggle Against Authority)
People pull through hard times. What I can’t understand is, how can anybody figure that the government can support us, when we support the government. —Rose Wilder Lane (The Discovery of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority)
So long as any large group of persons, anywhere on this earth, believe the ancient superstition that some Authority is responsible for their welfare, they will set up some image of that Authority and try to obey it. And the result will be poverty and war. —Rose Wilder Lane (The Discovery Of Freedom: Man's Struggle Against Authority)
So long as any large group of persons, anywhere on this earth, believe the ancient superstition that some Authority is responsible for their welfare, they will set up some image of that Authority and try to obey it. And the result will be poverty and war. —Rose Wilder Lane (The Discovery Of Freedom: Man’s Struggle Against Authority)
There are a lot that will generally cheer on the free-market. But how many are going to stand up to the entire regime, to its intellectuals, to its media, when the chips are down and the propaganda is flying? The number is vanishingly small. —Tom Woods
There are a lot that will generally cheer on the free-market. But how many are going to stand up to the entire regime, to its intellectuals, to its media, when the chips are down and the propaganda is flying? The number is vanishingly small. —Tom Woods
Rightful Liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual. —Thomas Jefferson
Rightful Liberty is unobstructed action according to our will, within limits drawn around us by the equal rights of others. I do not add “within the limits of the law,” because law is often but the tyrant’s will, and always so when it violates the right of an individual. —Thomas Jefferson
It’s amazing that people don’t understand that the more the market is involved and the smaller the government, the lower the price, the better the distribution, and the higher the quality. —Ron Paul
It’s amazing that people don’t understand that the more the market is involved and the smaller the government, the lower the price, the better the distribution, and the higher the quality. —Ron Paul
But, actually, it is only Americans who say that our freedoms and prosperity are the reason foreigners hate us. If you ask the foreigners, they make it clear that it's America's bullying foreign policy they detest. —Harry Browne
But, actually, it is only Americans who say that our freedoms and prosperity are the reason foreigners hate us. If you ask the foreigners, they make it clear that it’s America’s bullying foreign policy they detest. —Harry Browne