1302: Lysander Spooner – Against the Whole World

A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber,  or by millions, calling themselves a government. —Lysander SpoonerDownload Print Quality (7680×4020) 164KB  |  Normal Quality (3840×2010) 86KB
A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber,  or by millions, calling themselves a government. —Lysander SpoonerDownload Print Quality (3840×3840) 264KB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1920) 164KB

A man’s natural rights are his own, against the whole world; and any infringement of them is equally a crime, whether committed by one man, calling himself a robber, or by millions, calling themselves a government. —Lysander Spooner

1294: Thomas Sowell – One Honest Man

It is amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.62MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 282KB
It is amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites. —Thomas SowellDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 6.06MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 364KB

It is amazing how much panic one honest man can spread among a multitude of hypocrites. —Thomas Sowell

1281: Henry Hazlitt – Government-Provided Free Tuition

Government-provided free tuition tends more and more to produce a uniform conformist education, with college faculties ultimately dependent for their jobs on the government, and so developing an economic interest in the profession and teaching a statist, pro-government, and socialist ideology. —Henry HazlittDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 3.26MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 184KB
Government-provided free tuition tends more and more to produce a uniform conformist education, with college faculties ultimately dependent for their jobs on the government, and so developing an economic interest in the profession and teaching a statist, pro-government, and socialist ideology. —Henry HazlittDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 4.57MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 232KB

Government-provided free tuition tends more and more to produce a uniform conformist education, with college faculties ultimately dependent for their jobs on the government, and so developing an economic interest in the profession and teaching a statist, pro-government, and socialist ideology. —Henry Hazlitt

1280: Henry Hazlitt: The Gospel of Marxism

The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others.

Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects — his laziness, incompetence, improvidence or stupidity. Never believe in the honesty or disinterestedness of anyone who disagrees with you.

This basic hatred is the heart of Marxism. This is its animating force. You can throw away the dialectical materialism, the Hegelian framework, the technical jargon, the “scientific” analysis, and millions of pretentious words, and you still have the core: the implacable hatred and envy that are the raison d’etre for all the rest.

— Henry HazlittDownload Print Quality (6144×7680) 866KB  |  Normal Quality (3072×3840) 844KB

The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others.

Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects — his laziness, incompetence, improvidence or stupidity. Never believe in the honesty or disinterestedness of anyone who disagrees with you.

This basic hatred is the heart of Marxism. This is its animating force. You can throw away the dialectical materialism, the Hegelian framework, the technical jargon, the “scientific” analysis, and millions of pretentious words, and you still have the core: the implacable hatred and envy that are the raison d’etre for all the rest.

— Henry Hazlitt

	The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others. Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects — his laziness, incompetence, improvidence or stupidity. Never believe in the honesty or disinterestedness of anyone who disagrees with you. This basic hatred is the heart of Marxism. This is its animating force. You can throw away the dialectical materialism, the Hegelian framework, the technical jargon, the “scientific” analysis, and millions of pretentious words, and you still have the core: the implacable hatred and envy that are the raison d’etre for all the rest. — Henry HazlittDownload Print Quality (858KB)
Normal Quality (863KB)

The whole gospel of Karl Marx can be summed up in a single sentence: Hate the man who is better off than you are. Never under any circumstances admit that his success may be due to his own efforts, to the productive contribution he has made to the whole community. Always attribute his success to the exploitation, the cheating, the more or less open robbery of others.

Never under any circumstances admit that your own failure may be owing to your own weakness, or that the failure of anyone else may be due to his own defects — his laziness, incompetence, improvidence or stupidity. Never believe in the honesty or disinterestedness of anyone who disagrees with you.

This basic hatred is the heart of Marxism. This is its animating force. You can throw away the dialectical materialism, the Hegelian framework, the technical jargon, the “scientific” analysis, and millions of pretentious words, and you still have the core: the implacable hatred and envy that are the raison d’etre for all the rest.

— Henry Hazlitt

1277: Yeonmi Park – Our Biggest Threat is Government

Nothing has been more dangerous to individuals than government. Our biggest threat is government. —Yeonmi ParkDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.63MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 213KB
Nothing has been more dangerous to individuals than government. Our biggest threat is government. —Yeonmi ParkDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.08MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 287KB

Nothing has been more dangerous to individuals than government. Our biggest threat is government. —Yeonmi Park

1276: Ron Paul – A Nation Ripe for Total Tyranny

A nation of people who just do what they are told by the 'experts' without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny. —Ron PaulDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 9.16MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 381KB
A nation of people who just do what they are told by the 'experts' without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny. —Ron PaulDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 12.40MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 512KB

A nation of people who just do what they are told by the ‘experts’ without question is a nation ripe for a descent into total tyranny. —Ron Paul

1265: John Stossel – People Are Not Comfortable with Freedom

People are not comfortable with freedom. They're scared, they're worried that if people can do whatever they want, the rich will abuse the poor, the strong will abuse the weak. It's just easier to believe that if you elect wise people who want to help, that it will be better. But it doesn’t help.
Once I learned [libertarianism] it was just clear to me, but most people will never either spend the time to learn it or they can't learn it. —John StosselDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 6.96MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 339KB
People are not comfortable with freedom. They're scared, they're worried that if people can do whatever they want, the rich will abuse the poor, the strong will abuse the weak. It's just easier to believe that if you elect wise people who want to help, that it will be better. But it doesn’t help.
Once I learned [libertarianism] it was just clear to me, but most people will never either spend the time to learn it or they can't learn it. —John StosselDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 9.89MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 464KB

People are not comfortable with freedom. They’re scared, they’re worried that if people can do whatever they want, the rich will abuse the poor, the strong will abuse the weak. It’s just easier to believe that if you elect wise people who want to help, that it will be better. But it doesn’t help.
Once I learned [libertarianism] it was just clear to me, but most people will never either spend the time to learn it or they can’t learn it. —John Stossel

1243: Murray Rothbard – Conscription is Slavery and Taxation is Robbery

The libertarian insists that whether or not such practices are supported by the majority of the population… War is Mass Murder, Conscription is Slavery, and Taxation is Robbery —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.15MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 175KB
The libertarian insists that whether or not such practices are supported by the majority of the population… War is Mass Murder, Conscription is Slavery, and Taxation is Robbery —Murray RothbardDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 3.11MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 223KB

The libertarian insists that whether or not such practices are supported by the majority of the population… War is Mass Murder, Conscription is Slavery, and Taxation is Robbery —Murray Rothbard

1239: H.L. Mencken – Free Spirits in a Cage

There are, to be sure, free spirits in the world, but their freedom, in the last analysis, is not much greater than that of a canary in a cage. They may leap from perch to perch; they may bathe and guzzle at their will; they may flap their wings and sing. But they are still in the cage… Democracy provides swarms of such men. —H.L. MenckenDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 2.28MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 223KB
There are, to be sure, free spirits in the world, but their freedom, in the last analysis, is not much greater than that of a canary in a cage. They may leap from perch to perch; they may bathe and guzzle at their will; they may flap their wings and sing. But they are still in the cage… Democracy provides swarms of such men. —H.L. MenckenDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 2.77MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 262KB

There are, to be sure, free spirits in the world, but their freedom, in the last analysis, is not much greater than that of a canary in a cage. They may leap from perch to perch; they may bathe and guzzle at their will; they may flap their wings and sing. But they are still in the cage… Democracy provides swarms of such men. —H.L. Mencken

1224: Rob Schneider – Real Diversity Not Intolerance

When you hear people say they want diversity, remember there must be no exceptions. Their diversity must include diversity of thought, of ideas, and of opinion. Otherwise the defining principle of their ‘diversity’ is intolerance. —Rob SchneiderDownload Print Quality (3840×2010) 4.64MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1005) 227KB
When you hear people say they want diversity, remember there must be no exceptions. Their diversity must include diversity of thought, of ideas, and of opinion. Otherwise the defining principle of their ‘diversity’ is intolerance. —Rob SchneiderDownload Print Quality (3840×2744) 6.50MB  |  Normal Quality (1920×1372) 290KB

When you hear people say they want diversity, remember there must be no exceptions. Their diversity must include diversity of thought, of ideas, and of opinion. Otherwise the defining principle of their ‘diversity’ is intolerance. —Rob Schneider